Zobacz życie morskie przez tunele akrylowe
Ever wanted to see life under water without getting soaked in it? Dream no longer, because now it is a reality. It's as if you were walking straight through these really cool tunnels whose walls are made of this clear stuff called acrylic. Because of the use of this great material, light is directed into it all around so that everything you see in the tunnel looks bright and colorful. Once you enter the tunnels, xiyake jasny acrylic tunnels will be in a world of fish all around with million hues. It honestly feels like you are undersea wonderland.
Many aquariums have incredible acrylic tunnels that make you feel that you are closer to so many types of sea life. Step through the tunnel and be alongside some amazing creatures - everything from fish, to sea turtles gliding gracefully by or even great sharks. As soon as you step into the acrylic tunnel aquarium, it literally feels like stepping inside a huge fish-tank where sea life surrounds you. XIYAKE Akrylowe zbiorniki akwariowe będziesz miał niesamowity widok i możesz znaleźć ukryte ścieżki prowadzące do nowych podróży.
Especially walking in the tunnel created by joining two sections of acrylic, which lets you see species from underneath. You will be at eye level with the fish unlike viewing them from a boat or above on shore. This XIYAKE niestandardowe zbiorniki akrylowe make it seem like you are alongside the dolphins in their watery environment. You may even begin to feel a connection among these ocean creatures and why their incredible world is so enchanting. It is being apart of that under water family.
Patrząc na akrylowy tunel, można zobaczyć wiele rodzajów ryb. Występują w różnych kolorach: czarnym, białym, niebieskim, żółtym, pomarańczowym i czerwonym. Każda ryba jest inna, podobnie jak różnorodność życia pod falami. Jeśli jednak udasz się tam nocą, bioluminescencyjne ryby rozświetlą ciemność, przepływając pod mostem, co nadaje temu małemu klejnotowi w Ho Thuy Tien zupełnie inny wymiar. Oprócz ryb zobaczysz olśniewające koralowce i kołyszące się wodorosty, co daje przedsmak tego, co kryje się pod czystą, niebieską powierzchnią naszej Ziemi.
Guided tours through aquariums' acrylic tunnels are available at many facilities. Guides on these tours will provide information and little-known facts about the Sea Life that you see along the way. For instance, were you aware that sea turtles can hold their breath for an amazing 7 hours. That’s a long time. During a guided tour you can also take pictures to not forget everything that amazed your eyes, and ask all the questions about animals or habitat. This is no walk in the park but rather, an opportunity to learn and make memories that will last forever.
The Acrylic tunnel by scratch issues for a numbers of years. We can provides underwater polishing within 24 hours.
company collaborates internationally recognized designs Acrylic tunnel, innovates independently absorbing ideas creative, collaborating dependable landing conceptual ideas
composites process large-scale intelligent dryingAcrylic tunnel engraving machines
The Acrylic tunnel includes sheets processing, constructions and installations warranty.